About Barry....

Ok I'm up first!

Well, My name is Barry Smith I'm 23 engaged & I live in Haddington Which is 10 miles outside of Edinburgh in scotland. I first bought an Amiga when the A500 came out.I've never owned anything since. And you know I really don't think I would want to!

Well, I did not start this lovely little mag! A nice guy called Nick Abbott did. This all goes back to when I answered a little advert in AF saying "wanted:-writers for disk mag" So I wrote off.

Then I  met nick. We wrote Issue#1. it was in D.M.C I think. (disk mag creator.) I suggested to nick that we do a HTML issue, That way we could stick it onto the web. As it turned out I was to do the HTML work, To be honest I didn't mind!

But I got a phone call to say that Nick left the Amiga scene, and I could do what ever I wanted with the mag. I decided not to bother with it. After a while I gained Internet access. I found myself
needing to find material for my web page. Again I came to a brick wall. I could not think of anything to put on the web space. But then I thought Ah! I could use The Ripper!

So I did! I used The Ripper for something to fill the space. I thought no more of it. UNTIL that is, when I started to get people asking me when the next issue was coming out. It struck me that if
people were interested I might as well do something with it.

Back to Nick!, I gave him a call to see if he was interested. He informed me that he had no interest, but put me onto a guy who he had contacted for swapping stuff when he had an Amiga. I phoned  this guy up and he said that his name was Ian Fyvie. Ian said yes when I asked him. Although not one of us had any idea what would become of it. I concentrated on the web issues, where as Ian converted them to D.M.C. We have quite a number of people reading both issues by this point. I realized that more people would be needed.

So I looked about and found no one! Then a guy called Dirk Harlaar, who had contacted me earlier on the behalf of Haage & Partner, said that he would like to do help out when I asked him.
Dirk is now a co editor, the same as Ian Fyvie

We have 2 writers Ian Urie and Symon Tyrrel. They are also both valued members of the team.

This is really the end of The Ripper's story - For now!

    My system setup is as follows:
  • A Cirux 3333 powerd PC
  • 4 gig HD 
  • Us Robotics Courier 56K (V90)
  • RedHat Linux instalation Ver. 6.1 running KDE desktop
  • 4 speed cd rom
  • 14" monitor